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Color guide

The unbearable difficulty of decorating

  • 4 min read

The unbearable difficulty of decorating - Are you sure you know what you need?

The balance between what we think we want and what we really need is one of life's great mysteries.

It's a bit like that moment when you're sure you need a new sofa, but really you just want a break from the everyday grind. With the arrival of autumn, this search for balance is accentuated as preparations for winter begin.

Get to know our thoughts on decorating and at the end of this blog you will find more ideas for decorating with colors and the effect of colors - you can do so much with colors!

Yellow broken interior color.

Autumn - time to prepare

Autumn is like spring cleaning the house, but with woolen socks. With the equinox comes the real preparation for winter silence. This is the perfect moment to take advantage of the summer energy and start projects that would otherwise be left hanging when the dark evenings arrive.

Preparing the home for autumn

Fall decorating your home doesn't just mean digging out the pumpkin lanterns (although they are nice!). It means adapting your home to the season. Add layers to fabrics, bring in warm colors and create intimate spaces. Even small changes, such as moving furniture or changing curtains, can turn your home into an autumn oasis.

Stylish Taupe wall paint.

The beauty of nature indoors

When the leaves change color outside, why not bring this beauty inside as well? Emphasize autumn tones with orange, yellow and red, and bring home elements of nature – flowers, branches or pine cones. With these little things, you create a harmonious atmosphere around you that will help you enjoy autumn to the fullest. In a minimalist, especially light-colored home, these dots of color will bring a great energy boost to your home! Try it!

Earthy wall paint

From mood to winter

The hectic nature of autumn can seem challenging, but if you manage to harness its power, winter will feel much easier. The end of summer can feel wistful, but the warmth and comfort of home can ease the transition to the darkness of winter. Remember that your home can help you in this change – even small actions have a big impact. The use of even bold colors helps in creating the atmosphere of the space. Nest-like, dark spaces calm and stop energy.

Brown wall paint Liquorice.

Change your home with creativity

When autumn arrives, it's time to look at your own home and think about how its space could support your own well-being. Do you have a room that needs a new look? Would it be time to repaint those yellowed surfaces beautiful and fresh? Or maybe you would like to create a space where you can relax and retreat into silence? Decorating doesn't have to be expensive, and you don't always have to order new furniture from far away - recycle, do it yourself and save money at the same time. When you give yourself permission to make changes, you remind yourself that the change is positive. Autumn is a good time to give your home the color wash it deserves!

Be the artist of your own home

The walls of your home are like your canvas, and you are the artist. Let your creativity flow and create a space that reflects you. Remember that there is no right or wrong way to decorate – the most important thing is that the space feels like you and supports your personality. You're not afraid of change. Space and colors are supposed to change over time. Get inspired by colors and ideas on our website - Make a decision about colors based on this moment, happiness is here.

Look up – don't forget the roof!

Forgetting the ceiling, i.e. the fifth wall, in interior design is a common mistake. Yes, the ceiling can be more than just white! Paying attention to the ceiling can bring a whole new dimension to your home. Whether it's painting, wallpapering or adding a stunning ceiling light, the ceiling is where you can really let your creativity shine.

Create the story of your home

Home decoration is not just about arranging things – it's about telling a story. What is your story? What is the atmosphere you want your home to convey? When you design a space that tells your story, you create a place where you feel truly at home.

Say goodbye to trends

Trends come and go, but authenticity endures. Don't let trends dictate how your home looks - design a space that feels like your own. When you decorate authentically, you create a home that not only looks good, but also feels good. A safe choice is not the choice of others - a safe choice is your own choice. Forget those paper-colored walls and start enjoying the colors! Please note that you can only use colors to create an atmosphere in a space. However, if you want it today's trendiest blue furniture, first think about whether you could renew the old one by painting it? You don't always have to buy a new one.

Small steps, towards a big change

Remember that change doesn't have to be big and dramatic. Even small steps can do wonders. Go through the rooms and think about how you feel in them - is the space exactly as you would like it? Does a corner need a little improvement? While you renovate and paint, you can empty and clean: When you change your home, you change your mind at the same time.

Dark green wall paint Frenchic.

Do you want to get to know more interesting interior design tips?

At Frenchic, we really love all kinds of colors and styles and want to provide you with ideas to make your own color dreams come true!

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