Semi Smooth - Green - 10mm - Miniroller sleeves
Perfect for use on radiators, exterior weatherboards, and previously painted surfaces, these mini rollers eliminate the need to lay off your paint. Ideal to cut walls and ceilings in conjunction with our 10mm-nap big rollers.
The 10mm-nap version of our mini rollers also comes in a 100mm length. This particular roller holds a considerable amount of paint, washes out easily, and is ideal to cut walls and ceilings in conjunction with our 10mm-nap big rollers, as doing so will result in a uniform finish with no picture framing.
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Semi Smooth - Green - 10mm - Miniroller sleeves
Perfect for use on radiators, exterior weatherboards, and previously painted surfaces, these mini rollers eliminate the need to lay off your paint. Ideal to cut walls and ceilings in conjunction with our 10mm-nap big rollers.
The 10mm-nap version of our mini rollers also comes in a 100mm length. This particular roller holds a considerable amount of paint, washes out easily, and is ideal to cut walls and ceilings in conjunction with our 10mm-nap big rollers, as doing so will result in a uniform finish with no picture framing.
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Ja tietysti valkoinen ja musta maali, joita voit käyttää omiin sävysekoituksiin, valitse esimerkiksi puhdas valkoinen Wedding Cake ja musta Loof.
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